Solène Ryo, naturopathe à Rennes, Pacé, Guipel et Nord de Rennes
Naturopathie de la famille
Nature's path = Le chemin de la nature
Le naturopathe est avant tout un accompagnateur sur le chemin de la santé
“Naturopathy teaches that the laws that prescribe the functioning of the universe and of living organisms are no different”
Professor Georges Vithoulkas
However, the covid crisis has shown us to what extent our civilization has been able to disregard the laws of nature.
Very presumptuous would be the one who would pretend that he will never be sick. Naturopathy does not prevent all illnesses but it seeks to put in place the ideal conditions so that the body can regenerate and heal itself during difficulties because it will have stored enough vital energy.
Illness should not be seen as a weakness but rather as an attempt by the body to adapt.
The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks naturopathy as the 3rd traditional medicine in the world after traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines.
The naturopath does not interfere with the allopathic medical follow-up but he can be of great complementarity insofar as he seeks the causes of the disorders.
Thanks to a holistic vision of the person, the naturopath relies on the strong points in order to counterbalance the weak points.
My MISSION : to make the patient actor of his health by providing him with individualized tools:
1) personalized interview, vitality assessment and detox
2) Depending on your compatibility with a remedy and your preferences, we will choose the most effective tools for you.
* phytotherapy
* Bach flowers
* essential oils
* lithotherapy
* food profiling
* hydrotherapy
* exercises to better live your emotions
* bibliotherapy
* energy rebalancing
* advice on physical activity and lifestyle more generally.
Why a family naturopath?
If naturopathy is centered on the individual, it is also an ally for the family.
The families who consult me turn to naturopathy because of its humane and global approach, hoping to find solutions to various issues:
*For example, parents call me when their children are struggling with ENT problems or repeated infections.
*The most frequent reasons for consultation in my practice are fatigue, stress and food intolerances.
My toolbox : food rebalancing, body postures, breathing techniques, Thai plantar reflexology, tools to better experience your emotions, guided relaxation, art therapy, games...
praticien bien-être
praticien bien-être