Solène Ryo, naturopathe à Rennes, Pacé, Guipel et Nord de Rennes
Solène Ryo
- family naturopath and talent seeker -
"Nature offers both what nourishes the body and heals it, amazes the soul, the heart and the spirit" Pierre Rabhi
(translated from French)
Welcome !
I work as a naturopath, a bioresonance therapist and a traditional Thai massage practitioner. You can opt for face to face appointments in Pacé and Guipel. Distance sessions are also available : especially for people living in other areas or abroad.
We can discuss in French or in English.
Finally, I hold workshops for individuals (either for an adult or a child or workshops dedicated to the whole tribe), as well as conferences and training programmes for companies.
Naturopathie Rennes
In the course of my training, I have created a link between these various approaches in order to create my own method: this is a tailor-made approach which aims to help you (re)find a good health thanks to natural means and by working on your vital force, also called Qi or Prana. Since we are all one, it also allows everyone to find their true NATURE and to develop their talents and potentials.
La naturopathie, c'est pour moi?
Les motifs de consultations principaux sont:
*comment perdre du poids?
* l'accompagnement de la femme, en dehors ou pendant les phases de grossesse et ménopause/ endométriose/ SOPK
*le travail sur l'hygiène de vie chez le / la sportif(ve)
*une envie de mieux manger
* une demande d'outils pour une meilleure immunité
* des conseils ciblés en cas de pathologies inflammatoires digestives et maladies chroniques
* comment réduire les intolérances et les allergies?
* comment améliorer l'état de sa peau?
*prise en charge du burn-out ou de la dépression en parallèle d'un suivi médicamenteux
*troubles du sommeil et stress
* comment mieux vivre mon hypersensibilté / HPI/HPE ou celle/celui de mes enfants/conjoint(e)?
I am a family naturopath because the family unit is a microcosm in which the balance of one influences the balance of the other. I am advocating the right to be different and I accompany anyone wishing to make their singularities a strength.
Naturopathie parent enfant
My approach takes the whole individual into account: namely his physical, emotional, psychological, psychosocial as well as spiritual dimension (not in the religious sense but in the sense: path of life). The program is designed to be progressive and is based on the involvement and motivation of the person. Its purpose is to give the tools opening the way to autonomy.
I will be delighted to meet you and discuss with you.
To make an appointment, you can
*call me : 06.8668.42.83
*write an email:
*use the contact form below
2 practices: Guipel and Pacé:
Les rendez-vous sont aussi possibles à Guipel, Melesse, Montreuil-Le-Gast, St Médard, Hédé-Bazouges, Dingé, Combourg, Vignoc, Tinténiac, Saint-Germain-sur-Ille et le Nord de Rennes sur demande individuelle.