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Quantum physicists know that there is a superior intelligence that allows communication between each atom of each  living being, whether human, animal, mineral or vegetable.

Their research was applied to the field of health, which gave rise to quantum therapies.


In 1970, the biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp developed the theory according to which the cells of living organisms would communicate by chemical signals and electromagnetic signals, which reinforces this principle of universal communication discovered previously.

We can then say that quantum therapies are informational, while being based on the use of tiny electromagnetic waves, intended for the diagnosis, prevention and regeneration of health but also for the deprogramming of cellular memories, transgenerational, karmic or emotional shocks suffered in the past. The fields of possibilities for action are limitless, and the work in quantum therapy can of course be carried out remotely.

Different devices, always updated thanks to progress in research in quantum physics, make it possible to detect all imbalances before the appearance of symptoms. Hence preventive action.

If the symptoms are already installed, bioresonance allows, in most cases, to identify the causes of dysfunctions at the level of:










pollutants (metals, pesticides, various poisons, endocrine disruptors)


It also allows the search for pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, molds, from which inopportune processes can be activated.

Bioresonance devices can correct non-invasively all these causes of dysfunction and help the body regain its self-healing capabilities.

Some books to go further:

Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, Pr Heimes

Science, consciousness and health, Médéric Degoy

Quantum differently, Julien Bobroff

My Very Large Theory of Everything, Thomas Campbell

Our reality is virtual, Thomas Campbell


Quantum representation of an atom

La quantique autrement © Julien Bogroff / Ève Barlier


The different "clothes" of the electron

La quantique autrement © Julien Bogroff / Ève Barlier

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