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Le massage thaï traditionnel 


Practiced for more than 2500 years, traditional Thai massage is inspired by various ancestral traditions. The technique was created in northern India by Jivako Kumar Bhaccha, physician and friend of Buddha. This one is inspired by yoga and was originally intended for monks.


Thai massage works on all parts of the body. It is based on the stimulation of energy lines present under the skin (the NADIS or SEN). The body is traversed by 72000 lines but the Thai massage focuses mainly on 10 lines.

The goal is to balance the functions of the 4 fundamental elements of the body:

*earth: bones and muscles

*water: blood and secretions

*fire: digestion and metabolism

*air: breathing and blood circulation


Twisting, stretching, kneading and tissue pressure techniques rebalance energy and circulation in the body.


The giver uses his arms, forearms, feet, knees and of course his hands to massage the recipient's body from head to toe. The massage is performed on a mattress on the floor. The receiver wears loose clothing. He can choose the degree of pressure.


The benefits:

Thai massage allows:

- to relax the muscles

- to acquire a better flexibility and more mobility

- to soothe or even relax the mind and nervous system

- increase the flow of blood circulation

- promote sleep

For who?

Everybody. However, some precautions should be taken with people with recent fractures, people with chronic conditions, pregnant women and children.

Self-massage :

Always in order to make  everyone an actor of their well-being, I suggest during each massage, to show you 1 or 2 movements to reproduce yourself, as a preventive measure.

The massages offered are relaxation massages. They have neither therapeutic purpose nor erotic or sexual connotation. 


massage thaï naturopahepraticienne

massage thaï naturopahe

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